Describe your work in three words.

Media meets Personification. 


What does your art focus on?

Conceptual Design focused on pop culture and social media.


What triggers your imagination?

My imagination runs wild, I’ll start with a concept and build upon it until its unique enough for me to step back and say “Woah. That’s New”. 

Anything from television and movies to technology and the Internet drive my imagination. I’ve always been fascinated by how we’ve developed so quickly into our current lifestyle. I’ll focus on bringing that idea to “life”.


Who’s had the most influence on your artistic growth?

Alive, I’d say the many Instagram artists who share my passion. I’m always keeping up with them and learning new techniques which never gets boring. There’s always something new.

Dead, Salvador Dali. His work was always so bizarre and his concepts pushed the norms people were used to.


Besides your computer/phone, what is the one thing you cannot work without?

TV or music, It keeps me afloat when I’m working and sparks ideas. I’ll take breaks and listen to the words to try and find anything that might help the piece.


Has Instagram influenced your work?

Big time. Instagram is full of talented artists and new ideas. The designs, the colors, and the people who support one another are just a huge influence for me. Without it, I wouldn’t have a place to share with everyone as easily.


Tell us about your biggest failure. 

My biggest failure was not learning and showcasing my work at a younger age. I was always shy and stubborn. I remember I would use excuses not to learn and focus on bettering my art. I cared so much about what people might think. My family and friends helped me find myself in all of that, “broke my shell” in a sense. It led me to enroll at The Academy of Art in San Francisco where I learned everything I know.


Name three Instagram accounts you follow religiously.

@love.watts, @popmyeyes, @benedettodemaio.


Your five all-time favorite movies? 

“The Godfather” - Isn’t it everyone's? The tone of the movie, the actors and the sequels  was such a rollercoaster of emotions. They brought the story to life.

“Empire Strikes Back" - I’m a huge Star Wars fan. I love the visual effects and the story lines. The futuristic tones in the film influence a lot of my design.

“The Dark Night” - The story and script was so complex and very well executed by the actors and the late Heath Ledger. I just couldn’t stop watching. I remember all my friends teasing me because I had seen it in theaters three or four times.

“Catch Me If You Can” - This movie was so fun to me. Seeing Leonardo DiCaprio “snake” his way around so many loop holes in this cat and mouse movie makes it a favorite of mine.

“Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid” - This one holds a sentimental value to me. My father would show my brother and I this movie as kids. We would run around the house with our toy guns playing cowboys. 


Your all-time five favorite music tracks?

"Gold" by Chet Faker

"Go Back Home" by FKJ (French Kiwi Juice)

"Flashing Lights" by Kanye West

"That’s Life" by Frank Sinatra

"Eleanor Rigby" by The Beatles


Who is your dream collaboration?

I would love to work with a huge director or artist on cover work for a new album or a movie poster. It’s been a dream of mine since I was young.


What keeps you going? 

My family, friends, and followers. They have shown me endless amount of support and have kept me motivated to work and create everyday. I really love what I do and if I can make someone pause in their steps and also say “Woah. That’s New” then I’m happy. 



PhotographyEli Rezkallah