Abdulaziz Al Hosni: from al-khaburah to the world

abdulaziz al hosni is an omani artist whose work revolves around masculinity, its perceptions, its restrictions, and the resulting toxicity that stems from fitting in a box. al hosni is here to escape censorship, speak up for himself, and reclaim his identity on his own terms. “i will not go live in los angeles. i don’t want to disown my roots to live freely. i want to embrace them and live authentically by normalizing a new status quo”, he says with a playful defiance.

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Philippe Ghabayen
connecting dots with vladimir antaki

vladimir antaki has a peculiar knack for extrapolating universal themes out of local authenticities, regardless of where life takes him. although armed with a strong sense of storytelling, antaki refuses to dictate where the story goes, but rather allows for happenstance and what some would describe as divine intervention to lead him on his journey. the result is a body of work abundant in undeniable human insights that champion connectivity, mutual understanding, and appreciation for the simpler things in life.   

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victor nouman: the art of virtual mythology

victor nouman has a knack for finding a narrative where all things traditional and experimental collide. his work, notably utopic arabia, aptly captures the quintessence of the flourishing arab renaissance, which continues to make an indelible mark on the international art scene.

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Ralph Arida

Mous Lamrabat’s body of work strikes with renewed relevance as it consistently blends the lines between cultures, the present the future and the past, and defies all things “normal”, a reflection of a cross-cultural mind trying to make sense of the world, and a thought-provoking glimpse into a future where elevated art and proper representation could co-exist without compromise.

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