THE lipstick era


 “La mode et la musique.. c’est identique!” ’s witty remark could not be more fitting a description of the genuine love affair between fashion and music. And since PLASTIK too is a firm believer in the art world’s most sacred liaison, we decided to honor it with the release of our  very first CD compilation. is not your usual music album, for it is simply a pure PLASTIK* product. Each melody is immortalized within the soundtrack of time; each lyric is engraved so deep in your mind it has become part of your daily lingo; and each track is haunted with the memories of an image that once lived on our pages, and thus your walls or creative subconscious.

 “Diamands et Macarons” is that music box from your childhood that got lost in your adolescence. But most of all, it is the soundtrack that has inspired our ideas and nurtured our process of building visual stories for your viewing pleasures.  Diamands - with a “d” - because it is an eclectic fusion of Anglo-Franco hits that have earned PLASTIK’s stamp of approval. Whether you install  it in your car’s CD box, or download it on your , this selection is guaranteed to be the mantra of your day and the radio station of your thoughts. Find “Diamands et Macarons” CD inside your copy of PLASTIK for a chance to listen to our favorite tracks including “Betty Davis Eyes,” “Foule Sentimentale,” and Lagerfeld’s “Something A La Mode.

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London’s hottest fashion designer and talk of the town is Lebanese. With his seductive, theatrical and innovative designs, the 34-year-old Ziad Ghanem has taken the British capital by storm. His latest conquest occurred during the most recent edition of the London Fashion Week, where he stole the limelight with his “green” and “recycled” collection and called upon the audience to break free from consumerism with the slogan “I lost my head the day I found my heart.” Ghanem spoke to Plastik about being Lebanese, living in London and (green) couture.